EVALUATION QUESTION 4- How did you use new media technologies in the construction, research & planning and evaluation stages?

Here is my evaluation question 4, the final question. First, I have made some spider diagrams including the technologies I have used throughout my research, planning, and evaluation. 

I have also added some screenshots of the technologies that I have used below. 

This is from Photo Booth, the application that allows you to take photos as well as videos. I have placed a black and white filter on the video to keep it all continuous. It also allows you to take a large number of videos as it stores them all in the same place. I have used this before however, usually for fun purposes, not for work purposes, therefore, I was familiar with it and knew how it worked. 

This is a screenshot of the technology that I used during my evaluation as well as for the main task. As you can see, it is a clear layout that enabled me to understand how to use it as I had never tried to before. The green parts are where sound has been inserted. For this particular video, I added voiceovers in order to display my images whilst discussing them simultaneously. It makes the video smoother and shorter. 

Here are all of the ways I was able to modify my clips. This was useful when getting rid of unwanted parts or pauses, and it would allow me to change the speed of a clip, not that I needed this during my evaluation. 
This is a screengrab of a website called Canva which is a presentation site. It is free and very easy to use, and it allowed me to add text wherever I needed to. The images were also easy to add and the theme/ layout was pre-prepared for me to insert into my presentation. To get it onto my blog, I embedded the link which made it convenient to view. 
