EVALUATION QUESTION 3- What have you learned from your audience feedback?

For question number 3, I have created three surveys in order to find out some final audience feedback on all of my tasks. The question asks what I have learnt from my feedback throughout the whole project. In answer to this, I have learnt that the trailer will not always be in the dominant position towards viewers. By this, I mean viewers will not always accept the message that has been encoded into the production whereby the message portrayed in the trailer for INSIDE was that relationships with domestic abuse are often not spoken about and they are not spoken about outside of the couple's home. When asking people whether they understood the storyline, many of the males who answered the questionnaire answered "no" suggesting that they were oppositional. This follows Stuart Hall's reception theory. 

I also learnt that in order to build up suspense and to make the trailer more energetic, the trailer needs to be sped up at a certain point. This creates a climax that entices audiences into wanting to find out what happens at the end. Part of creating this climax was using Roland Barthes' enigma code. This is a question posed to the audience to leave a sense of ambiguity and to leave them hooked. In the trailer for INSIDE, we have created an enigma immediately when Emily is on the phone to the police. This leaves the audience thinking, "Why is she nervous/ scared?". In a programme, this enigma would be answered later on, however, as this is a trailer, the reason isn't fully revealed until the film is watched. Although we give hints throughout the trailer when some scenes of abuse are happening. 

In regards to receiving audience feedback on our original mock trailer, I have learnt how music and non-diegetic sounds are important in distinguishing the genre of the trailer. At first, we wanted to use upbeat backing music to contradict the genre in order to emphasise it. However, we soon realised that this did not work due to the narrative of our film. Therefore we changed it so that it fit to the beat and the mood of the trailer and from our audience feedback, this proved to be successful. 
