Updated magazine cover/ audience feedback

I have received some audience feedback on my magazine cover and from this I have edited it further. Firstly, I have added an issue number and a date in order to conform to the conventions of Entertainment Weekly magazine. Without this, readers cannot be sure whether it is an up to date version. I have also increased the size of the main image as I was told it did not stand out enough and the male character did not look powerful enough at that size. Covering the masthead is not often an issue in the magazine industry as readers are often aware of the brand anyway. I was also told that the title of the film should be a different font as it takes away from the style of the masthead therefore I have changed it to Perpetua Titling MT as this is similar to the font in our trailer and therefore establishes an identity. By enlarging the main image I had to move the movie title to the bottom of the page as otherwise it might not be seen with the characters being the main focus. After listening to my constructive criticism, I am happy with my current version but I will still find more consumers to receive more feedback as there is always room for improvement. 
