Trailer one

This is the first edition of our trailer, also known as a mock. We have used many elements that we planned to use, for example, the contradictive non-diegetic music in the background which we used to give the audience a false sense of security but also to challenge general conventions of the genre of thriller.

We have also made the main antagonist a male which is in some ways an archetype as many films follow this stereotype that males are the villains in society. This type of society is known as a patriarchy.

We have started to add in transitions such as a fade-in and a fade-out where scenes are looking for a dramatic effect. The sounds we have used are synchronous with the bass booms in the trailer and this is so that the harsh units of media are emphasised. For example, where John (the antagonist) drags Emily back by her hair whilst she is looking around the room for him, the bass is added at the exact moment that the hand grabs the head.
