Poster analysis

I am currently thinking about designing my poster for our movie trailer, 'Inside'. 

As I looked at other posters that share the same genre as 'Inside', I immediately noticed the colour scheme that permeates through them all. The house colours are red, black, and white. I believe this is because the colour red has many connotations whereby it can symbolise danger, passion, or love. This is interesting because our movie begins with passion and ends with danger which is therefore why we have chosen to give Emily, the victim, red lipstick to wear. 

Visually, most film posters share the same print conventions. For example here we see 'BEFORE I SLEEP' has a tagline above the title. It reads "WHO DO YOU TRUST?". In the movie 'GAMER' the tagline reads "WHO'S PLAYING YOU?". This is effective as it gives the target audience something else to think about when subconsciously being prejudice about the movie perhaps. In our poster, the tagline will be 'What happens inside, stays inside'. We chose this tagline because we wanted to include the title as some might not understand why we chose it. The meaning behind it is the idea that people on the outside do not bat an eyelid at couples because of how they act on the outside world, but on the inside there is a whole different story. 
