Early footage

This is some early footage from our trailer. We are now going to receive some feedback and hopefully make some adjustments to it as it is not yet how we would like to portray our movie. As you can see, it begins with the main protagonist (Emily) making breakfast. This is a common stereotype seen in films where women are portrayed to be doing all domestic work whilst men go to work. We have chosen to do this because it follows general conventions and will captivate the audience as they can already tell who may have the dominance in the relationship. She is whisking the breakfast to show that she is making it from scratch and working hard for her partner. If she was making cereal it would not imply that she was making a lot of effort for him. She is going out of her way to prepare a meal that won't even be appreciated as her husband is going to leave her for work. 

When the husband, John, is alone later he is sat drinking whisky in a hostile manner which could give a small insight to what is to come later on as he is perhaps plotting something. We are hoping that this will make the audience wonder about who he really is and what is to come later on. 
