Blog update

Currently, I am editing the trailer and perfecting certain scenes. Whilst it is not yet completed we are receiving more audience feedback on our early footage in order to understand what we can do to engage people and really understand the key constituents of a film trailer. For example music which plays a major role in setting the atmosphere and creating tension in a thriller. 

We are still deciding on which genre of music to use as in our previous audience feedback on our pitch, we were advised by students to use dramatic music, contrasting music and also no music at all. Apart from no music,  we  are unsure on which one to use. I definitely think we should use non-diegetic sounds because from my research and analysis of trailers, I have decided the best trailers I have seen have included this. For example 'The girl on the train', one of my favourite trailers, uses a well-known R&B song slowed down in order to create a climax when it reaches the cinematic drop. I believe it was successful in doing so as even after I had seen the trailer more than once, I was still apprehensive about what was going to happen next and slightly on edge which is the desired effect for our trailer.
