Film Trailer- Preliminary Planning

Film Trailer - Preliminary Planning Sheet  
  1. What is the Genre (is the film animated, drama, documentary, comedy, sci-fi, adolescent, horror, etc.) 
The films genre will be thriller/ drama.  
  1. Who will be your Target Audience? How will you meet their expectations? (e.g.Films targeted at young children will often feature children as protagonists) 
The target audience will be young adults/ adults. This is because the main protagonist will be a young woman. Male and female  
  1. How big a budget does the film have? (low, medium, high, blockbuster). How will the film be distributed?  How will it be promoted? 
Medium budget, to give it a more realistic/ non-fictional feeling because it is “based on true events” 
  1. What is the Narrative of the film? Equilibrium – Disruption to Equilibrium – Obstacle – Journey to resolve – Complication – Resolution – Denouement/Equilibrium  
Woman and her boyfriend in love, showing affection to each other, walking in the park etc. Then a black screened phone call footage to the police of her calling for help. Climax is raised and tension builds from there onwards. She is hiding from him round the house. Girlfriend’s bestfriend is unheard of, due to boyfriend.  
  1. What is the film’s Unique Selling Point? 
It’s a true story and it covers real matters that are sometimes skimmed over because people are uncomfortable with addressing it as an issue.  
  1. What are the main events you are going to mention in your movie trailer?  
The manipulation of a partner and the rapid change that can happen in a relationship.  
  1. Who are the main Characters and how are they involved? 
Girlfriend (Emily), boyfriend (Mark)bestfriend (Laura) 
  1. Which actors will play the central characters? What types of personalities do they seem to have?  
Girlfriend- Kaya Scodelario, she is bubbly, excitable, she becomes more and more independent and agitated throughout the film.  
Boyfriend- Jack O’Connell, mysterious, controlling, manipulative, charming 
Best friend- Jessica Brown Findlay, realistic, trustworthy, reliable, suspicious of boyfriend, loves going out 
  1. What is the title of your movie going to be?  
  1. What is the Location/setting of your movie? (how does the trailer reveal location?) 
Just outside the town, with fields around the house, rural  
  1. What may be the central conflict or obstacle for your character(s) to overcome? 
The abuse that the main character faces, also the conflict between the best friends as friend tries to tell Emily that her boyfriend should be closely watched.  
  1. What Pacing will your trailer have, and how will this change during the trailer? 
Slow to begin with, shows a pan view of rooms, last room to be shown is the room they are in when Mark slaps Emily for the first time. Emily runs at of the house. This then goes to a black screen when Emily calls 999. Then flashes to the actions scenes.  
  1. Will the trailer use a Voice Over, and who is the narrator? 
The voice over at the start of the film over the pan shot, the voices of Emily and Mark confessing their love for each other  
  1. What Music & Sound Effects will be included? What is their effect? 
Calm phone calls at the beginning, dramatic music at the end, sounds of slaps and punches  
  1. What Special Effects will be included  
None as we want it to look realistic and not too staged
  1.  How will you finish the trailer that the viewers do not know the ending  
Shots will show Emily hiding in the house whilst Mark is trying to find her to kill her, it does not reveal whether she is found.  
  1. What is your movie tagline? Examples of famous movie/television taglines are: (1) Be afraid. Be very afraid. (The Fly)(2) To boldly go where no man has gone before. (Star Trek) 
What happens inside, stays on the inside  
  1. What On-screen Graphics will you include and what quote(s) will you include? 
'You can run'       'and you can hide'          'He'll find you' 
